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welcome to mike yoga and health!

A Holistic Lifestyle is the key : High performance

yoga mike

Hi, I’m Mike high Performance

I’m a Swedish-based holistic practitioner, passionate about helping people live healthier lives by being stronger & more conscious about what they consume. 

What we consume goes beyond what’s on our plate. It encompasses the ideas we absorb, the people we surround ourselves with, the content we engage with, and the thoughts we listen to. Our well-being is a reflection of this holistic consumption. Just as our bodies thrive on nourishing food, our minds thrive on positive influences and meaningful connections. So, let’s be mindful of what we ‘consume’ in all aspects of life, for it shapes not only our health but our entire outlook on the world.

Whether you’re looking to improve the health of yourself, your family, or your company, I have the experience and dedication needed to help you achieve your desired results.

LONGEVITY services

Lifestyle coaching

Here we can meet for consultation regarding diet &exercise, meditation and exchange thoughts and ideas about the puzzle of life. We are looking forward to met you. Going in with an open mind at the meeting is something we believe in.

Higher performance

Are you an entrepreneur and want to know more about what this healthy lifestyle can do for your company and employees? We are happy to receive you for consultation. Good health for your employees is a win-win situation for everyone.

Recovery coaching

Interested in a video meeting? At MYAH we can meet on video link, for consultation of diet issues, meditation.We are working whith teams and google meet. Its easy to connect and we hope to se you there for a video meeting.

FROM my healthy CLIENTS

After years of bad diet habits, Mike helped me better connect with my body. He gave me the tools to make better and healthier choices for myself.
I am forever grateful to Mike for his private online coaching service. He taught me how to live a healthier life by being smarter about the food I consume.
After only two weeks in the program, I felt a positive difference in terms of focus, and a stiffness that I got from sitting very still at the computer disappeared. the combination of breathing exercises, stretching and exercises as well as meditation has given a better focus and calmness, Thank you Mikey
Jonathan (Räckviddsbyrån)

Get in touch today for a complimentary consultation